
Monday, January 16, 2012

Word of the Year: Grow

If you had one word that you wanted to inspire you throughout 2012 (and beyond) what would it be? For some it might take some thinking, and others it might come to mind immediately. Well, when I was reading The Lettered Cottage a few days ago, I stumbled upon a post about having a word of the year. What a good idea I thought. I mean, I know we all have a 'resolution' and want to try and do this and that for the new year...but if you had to sum it up into one word, what would it be? Of course I thought, fit, healthy, lose weight (but this is not a resolution, this is a word that can inspire me throughout the year, Sarah, as I reminded myself). So the word that stuck with me, that will inspire me and sums up how I would like to live in 2012 is grow! I think it fits perfectly- and here is why:

- I have 'grown' into being a wife (that sounds cheesier than I mean it to). I love the fact that I have met, and married my best friend, and we are continuing to grow into our little married life in chilly Maine. I hope to continue to grow into being a great best friend to Matt.
- I am an aunt for the first time and I want to grow into being an excellent auntie. I love my Lucy more than anything, and would do anything for her.
- And speaking of Lucy- wow, is she growing...
- I want to grow my interests this year, play more tennis, continue to grow my blog and meet wonderful blogger friends, try surfing (again), interior design, work on sewing and grow my gardening skills - pun intended :)
- I am continuing to grow into adulthood, and learn how to deal with adult changes- from mortgage payments to baby showers!
- I want to grow into a role as a mother (when the time is right)
- I would like to continue to grow my career
- And last but not least, I want to grow my involvement in being a good community member and volunteer.

So, that is why I picked grow as my word of 2012. I would love to hear yours!

Today, make your word a priority in your thoughts and actions. Be open to the possibilities! (source)


The Lettered Cottage

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